Econo-Heat 0603 E-Heater, White

Econo-Heat 0603 E-Heater, White
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $99.00
Sale Price: $82.14
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I live in BC Canada and live in an older home. I took temperature readings around the house before and after installing these heaters. I have 5 of them in 3 bedrooms and two large hallways. My old energy consumption was 7500 watts per hour for the 5 old heaters. Currently my new heaters use a total of 2000 watts per hour and far more efficient so they run less than my old heaters. That is a 73% Energy savings!!! Each of these panels use 400 watts of power (which is like running FOUR 100 watt light bulbs)

This heater is more like a "room temperature maintainer" than a heater. It's great to use in a bedroom and bathroom (up to 120 Sq feet) however remember that this heater works best to keep a room temperature at a certain temp, rather than heating a room quickly. So if you room is at a certain temp, this heater will make sure it stays at that temp. In fact it takes HOURS to heat up a room with this heater, but that's how radiant heat works. It's a slow and steady process. Once it gets to a target temp, it keeps temperatures nice and warm and comfortable rather than feeling like you are in a blast furnace. Think of a camp fire. You can warm yourself directly off the fire (like a traditional heater) or heat your feet on some fire stones around the fire for many many hours (like these heaters.

I highly suggest you buy a temperature control wall socket switch (or build one using a single pole thermostat). That's where you get the most energy savings. That's because once you hit the target temp, these heaters really do a great job kicking on for a few minutes to maintain a temp and shutting off. NOTE: even when power is cut to the panels they still generate heat for 30 to 45 minutes. This is because the panels are nothing but an electric element encased in a ceramic panel. The element heats up the cermanic panel and that's what really heats up the room. Takes a while for these panels to cool down, so you get a heating bonus even with power is shut off.


Here's my Test numbers using the Panel heaters:


Bedroom at 8 pm (before heaters) : 20 degrees Celsius (or 68 F)

Bedroom at 8 am (when I get up before the heaters): 12 degrees Celsius (or 53.6 F)


Bedroom at 8 pm (with heaters) : 20 degrees Celsius (or 68 F)

Bedroom at 8 am (when I get up): 21 degrees Celsius (or 70 F)

These numbers are consistent in all the rooms I tested. So use these panels do work.


1) When they mean 120 sq feet. They REALLY mean 120 sq feet in a well insulated room. If you have bad insulation, these heaters will do nothing. Don't even think about using these to heat an open concept large room.

2) The lower to the ground, the better these things work. The instructions suggest 3 to 6 inches off the ground and that's the best. I mounted one in the centre of the wall because of all the stuff in the room. Compared to the one's I have at the 6 inches off the ground, the performance difference is quite extreme. Almost a 60% loss in efficiency. Makes sense because these heaters send heat upwards and not forward. So it sends hot air up the wall..heating also the wall on the way up to the ceiling. The longer the stretch of wall to heat, the more effective it is.

3) These heaters do get hot but don't damage the walls. I have pets that like to sleep close to them and you can touch them by hand and not get burned...but not for long. Please don't put crap in front of the heater. That just should be obvious.

4) Painting these do help it blend into the environment of the room walls very well. You kind of forget about them unless you get near them.

5) Heaters are completely silent. No fans.

6) The heat feels different. My old heaters felt like a hair-dryer on my face when the fans kicked on. This heat is more subtle and more cozy. Feels more like being in a blanket of warm air in summer time.

===== Cons =========

1) THE SMELL!!! When you first fire these heaters up, they have a toxic smelling scent off the heaters. NO! IT'S NOT ACTUALLY TOXIC but enough to take notice and go on-line to see if this stuff is safe to breath. Turns out it's a protective coating (for shipping purposes) that needs to burn off for 8 hours to one day. After you burn it off, there is no scent at all.

2) No instant gratification. It's a hard adjustment for some people not to turn on a heater and not get blasted with heat. These heaters take some time to get used to but once you understand they are meant to stay on for long periods rather than short bursts, you sort of forget that these heaters are on.

===== CONCLUSION =====

I would only recommend these heaters under very SPECIFIC situations (like not freezing in your bedroom while sleeping. It does what it does incredibly well as long as you stay within those specifics situations. I have used these heaters when it was snowing and they worked great, especially with my temperature controlled wall sockets. My energy bill has gone down by 70% from the previous year. It maintains the temperature of the house better than any heater I have ever own...short of a Central Heating unit and those cost alot more to run than these heaters. So if you have a bedroom or a place with pets or kids where a heater can be a fire hazard (under 120 sq feet), then this heater will work great to get the chill out of a cold climate area.

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We have used 4 of them in our house for 4 winters. Our house was built in 1928 and is located on an island in SE Alaska. It gets cold and humid(60%+ year round) here, and never gets that warm in the summer(mid 50-70*) The only insulation is in the couple walls I have torn down to insulate. Half the windows are old wood single pane and the other half are milgard. We heat our home with a wood cookstove stove on the main level. We have one unit in the master bedroom(12'x14'), one in the spare bedroom(11'x14'), and two in the kids bedroom(18'x11'). The two in the kids room are on timers so they alternate through the night as to which is on. The spare and master room units are only on when we turn them on(usually only at night). They have kept the rooms warm so I would not have to get up in the night to tend the wood stove. We love them. They are great for when the weather turns cold out but not worth the hassle of starting a fire up.

Buy Econo-Heat 0603 E-Heater, White Now

I was in the market for a baseboard heater for my newly renovated basement bedroom but I was not satisfied with the traditional high wattage heater, so decided to search for a better solution. I was impressed by this product and the reviews, so decided to take the plunge and order one. I also ordered the plug in thermostat for the unit as well. My bedroom is roughly 200sq ft or so and upon turning the unit on for 10-15min, the whole room is nice and cozy. As for the surface itself, it is not too hot to touch at all.. I mean it is more than lukewarm but definitely won;t burn your hand on it (after about 30min of operation).

With the high hydro cost, I highly recommend this unit. Oh, the best thing is that it runs on regular Voltage, so there is no need to do any re-wiring at all. Just plug and go!

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Second one I have purchased. Great for heating a small room (bathroom, inside porch, mudroom). Just remember do NOT TIGHTEN completely! Ceramic board does need to expand when turned on. (Learned that one on the first purchase!) Placed this one in our more cold coats and shoes in the morning! Need one more for an unheated bathroom. Economical too!Econo-Heat electric panel heater

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Bought this for a drafty home office after reading Amazon reviews, and I have to say, it works. Since we rent, and I didn't want to put too many screws into the wall, I attached the heater to a large piece of particle board, and now I can move it anywhere I want and simply lean it against a wall. Keeps that room fairly toasty, and the heat doesn't feel too "concentrated". It circulates noiselessly around the room, and you actually have to be really close to the unit to feel the heat coming off of it. Not so hot as to be unsafe, but warm enough to do an effective job. No complaints at all so far!

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