R-CO PRODUCTS CORPORATION 03120 R-CO Brick 24 in. x 48 in. Stove Board

R-CO PRODUCTS CORPORATION 03120 R-CO Brick 24 in. x 48 in. Stove Board
Customer Ratings: 2 stars
List Price: $205.48
Sale Price: $158.06
Today's Bonus: 23% Off
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I read and re-read this item description and thought that I was getting the SET of panels I needed. The one thing alluding to more than one piece in the description said the "PANELS" fit together... This sounded like it was plural (a SET of panels) to me, so since there was nothing in the description to tell me that this was only ONE piece of the SET, I assumed that it was PLURAL panels... that plus the photo seemed to me to be a SET... this needs to be made CLEAR in the description that MORE pieces are necessary. And there was nothing under it to allude to this need either. Usually when I purchase something that requires other parts to make it work, they are shown underneath, but this item had nothing to indicate that. Now I have ONE piece that I need to send back and have lost money in the process. NOT A HAPPY CAMPER HERE! I usually feel I can trust Amazon's businesses and usually feel confident in purchases made here, but was very disappointed in this lack of description.

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