Vornado Vortex Heat Whole Room Compact Portable Electric Space Heater EH1-0025-01

Vornado Vortex Heat Whole Room Compact Portable Electric Space Heater EH1-0025-01
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Sale Price: $42.59
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My house was built in 1977. Not sure why they skimped so bad on duct work and insulation, but it is obvious every winter that they did. The house is very drafty and tends to be much warmer upstairs than downstairs.

Last winter, we tried everything in our budget to limit the drafts and heat the room. The heaters we bought left us wishing for more. Most were too loud or didn't heat the room, only a small part of it. We found this heater at half off and figured we would go for it.

I was skeptical with it being a fan. We didn't want something loud or that made a lot of noise when it came on or off. We also didn't want the heating coils exposed or any part of it to be hot due to small children and animals in the house. It is fairly compact and entirely plastic on its outer shell. When operating, you can touch any part of it and not get burned.

The heater offers an off/ on switch, an auto/on fan switch, a temperature dial and a high/ low heater switch. I enjoy the auto/on because some days I like to leave it on auto to come off an on as needed. In the mornings, I like to put it on and just let it really heat up the room. Our room is large, originally a kitchen and living room, we removed a wall (which has lead to some of the circulation problems).

Once we turn this heater on, we can feel a difference in the room in just a few minutes. The difference is so obvious, we can tell halfway down the stairs. Our fan thermostat typically read 70 degrees on a 50 degree day, now it is at 74 with the heater, furnace on 69. It is just enough to get the chill off.

I highly recommend this heater even at original price. I would certainly pay that much for it now.

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When I first received these, I was ready to write out a 5 star review. They appear well made and just one of them heated my master bedroom which is about 15x20 feet.

Two of these together in the same room made it so hot it was stuffy all throughout the room. I would get up in the middle of the night and have to turn one off. Just one kept my side of the bed stuffy hot and the entire area around the bed comfortably heated.

They are made of thick, heavy plastic and the size allows them to fit anywhere. My only complaint was that they are difficult to lift or carry because the hand hold in the back has no gripping whatsoever but I still would have rated it 5 star based on how well they heated.

After 2-3 months of very light use, the heating element failed in both of them. The first one, the fan stopped working and the heating element still heated but it was lukewarm at best. The second one, the fan worked but heating element failed. In both of them, I started hearing a rattling sound in them about a month after purchasing that wasn't there when I first opened them. A month later, they failed completely.

Basically, the casing is well made but the heating elements and fans are faulty. They are very delicate on the inside. I think if you dropped one that it would ruin the heater. Out of the box, they are almost perfect for heating a whole room but the inner workings of these things are unreliable and it's just a matter of time before they fail considering both of mine purchased the same day failed at the same time which leads me to believe it is the product itself and not just a fluke defect.

I would not recommend these because I don't think they would make it through a couple months of use.

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Puts out a surprising amount of heat with hardly any noise from the fan. Worth it not turning down the centarl heat for the whole house.

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I now own three of these heaters. My grandkids love sitting in front of them on cold days. I use one in the bathroom when bathing. Doesn't take long to heat up a room and saves on gas.

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I clearly can recommend this as a great room heater. My only issue is that this model does not use tempertures as the meansuring standard for warmth--one eventurally figures out what each position on the dial will accompolish. Substantively, the unit does draw and push air throughout the room. My recommendation is to buy from the manufacturer but not this particular unit--too much time is spent fooling with the nob to adjust the room temparature.

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